6th June 2004
yeah... so free in this weekend sunday in cyber tat i decided 2 speed up me
updating process and upload the pics in the pics page =P well, i think tat's
about all i did.. yeah wanna thank the ppl tat posted 2 my guestbook so
fast... dedication goes out 2 jo-s, wuss number1... wat is this wuss? i'm
wuss number 3~!! luvin is wuss number 2... aihZ, u studying too much wit su
be til u forgot ady izzit? sight, joash u let me down man... loL~ yeah
there's this post in me guestbook, dunno who jes rite 'somebody' as the
name... wat is this man? rite ler ur name, den at least i can thank u for
the post rite?? hehe well, 2 answer ur question since i can't email u, yeah
i have a few more lyrics, will post them up in due time ^-^ so wait
patiently yeah?? |