someone (updated to full song 06/06/2004)
lying here all alone
all alone out in the cold
out in the cold no one to hold
no one to hold but you
i pushed you away, told you to go
told you to go, cause you wouldn't know
you wouldn't know, wouldn't understand
all you did wuz hold my hand
when my someone has let me down
when my someone has pushed me to the ground
when my someone is no where to be found
you're my someone when i have no one
you lay right there beside me
right beside me you smiled at me
you fell asleep beside me
i wished that time would stop
when my someone has let me down
when my someone has pushed me to the ground
when my someone is no where to be found
you're my someone when i have no one
you're lying there all alone
out in the cold no one to hold
when your someone has let you down
when your someone has pushed you to the ground
when your someone is no where to be found
am i your someone when you have no one?
[i haven't found out how 2 put a comment function here yet... so i guess ppl
who wanna let me know about their views on this song can either email me
somehow, or contact me by commenting in my blog page, enjoy~!] |